Option Uno--Near Arnold: $300 per month, reasonably close to campus (5-7 minute walk, tops), utilities included covered--including wireless internet, garbage included, furnished, small room but manageable, parking=free, neighborhood is a little creepy after dark--but tolerable, landlord + landlady live upstairs--might be a little weird (or good or awful, who knows?), two other tenants (female) may share apartment(will they be new friends or enemies or never be seen?)--i.e. bathroom(small but tolerable)/living room(nice & spacious)/kitchen(completely tolerable), large closet, no overnight guests without permission (how difficult is obtaining permission?), is on the downstairs level of house, might be willing to rent from August instead of May. . .
Additional questions:
Do they mind male guests over night?
Other housemates?
Definitely August lease?
Are the landlords crazy religious, or just religious?
Security deposit?
Option Due--Beechurst efficiency--Panco: $450 per month, parking is $250 for entire year, on Beechurst which means walking up that awful hill--every day--but not a long walk (5-7 tops), might be loud traffic but neighborhood is not too creepy, all by myself--my own personal space, landladies are directly across the street--but they aren't terribly personable, washer/dryer there--and if those are creepy tolerable ones are across street, previous(aka current) tenants smoked?, very small but tolerable bathroom, nice kitchen, very open, fairly large closet, one room instead of separate bedroom but could be arranged nicely, first floor of building (aka no stairs), furnished or unfurnished with preference. . .
Additional questions:
Is it worth extra $ to have my own space?
Do I really want to pay $250 a month for parking?
Really, am I gonna walk up that hill every single day?
Overnight guests?
August Lease, Right???
Security deposit?
Option Three 313 Grand: $400 per month, on street parking w/ pass, nice historic neighborhood (o.o!), lengthy walk from campus but tolerable w/parking garages halfway for emergencies (aka Sarah wakes up reeeally late), upstairs (1 set into place and one after that, unfurnished, landlord was patient when Sarah was a dunce (gosh!) and respectable (around here, this is a serious draw), quiet neighborhood, nice room (big), lots of closet space, all mine with tenants around me but not sharing my space, utilities mostly covered except for garbage and electric (and internet, duh), August lease, unfurnished, a bus
totally passes the apartment = ). . .
Additional questions:
Overnight guests?
Would I really walk that far; is it tolerable?
Furniture to be carried up stairs; problem?
Extra utilities a problem?
So, where is that realty office again?
Security deposit?
Choice 4, which is not a choice: keep searching.
How tiresome. In the end, if I make the right choice, it will be worth it; I'm sure.