Sunday, August 5, 2007


Today was pretty good. I went to church to suffer through a regular service for the first time since my return from Peterkin. I was pretty much okay, for the most part. The most difficult part of not being at Peterkin/Peterkin in the future is that Zach Drennen won't be there next time. = ( Que lastima.

After church I went to brunch with a couple of my friends from church, which I enjoyed immensely. = )

I came home and finished reading Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea. It was a really great book. It took me a while to get attached to the characters, mostly because they were so different. It took a while to get used to their way of thinking. But, I am glad that I stuck it out. The more and more I read, the more involved I became. I began to feel stressed when they felt stressed and joyous when they were joyous. I feel like I have a better idea of how some Saudi's think/how parts of their culture work than I did before reading the book. Unlike similar books I've read in the past, this one didn't just list in explicit detail the atrocities that some Middle-Eastern women experience. This book better illustrated the reasonings behind why they do what they do and how different people in the society react to different things. I found it enjoyable.

And thought-provoking, which, as enjoyable as it was, I'm not so sure that HP7 was all that thought-provoking. Perhaps I didn't read it slow enough to find out.

I've decided that I really enjoy dancing a lot even if I'm terrible at it and I am going to attempt to improve somehow. Not that it is entirely dancing in the normal sense of the word, but I've decided I'm going to do Zumba when I'm back at WVU. I am pumped.

I think that's about it for now. I am pretty content.

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