Monday, September 17, 2007

Found those USB cords, so here's a treat.


This is the button I sewed on my pants all by myself, next to the hole I fixed by myself! = )

Setting the Scene

This is a CRAZY amount of foliage. Can we say overgrown?

This is a sweet park. Many ducks, dogs, and humans are quite fond of it.


It's hard to tell, but this crazy thing is the size of a small/medium size dog & is ugly as hell!

Aren't they precious? = P
Action Shots!

Yours action. = p

One more.

These guys sat here for over an hour, just chillin'.

Hardcore In-Line Skating!

This guy kind of made me sad. = / He looked about as lonely as I had felt earlier.

You tell me what the devil this thing is!

Run, Forrest, Run!!!

This is a much better shot than this pic shows, it really was a sweet action shot.

Story time: So this is a new restaurant, right? I'd never seen it. There was this woman in the window and she was standing really really still. Well, I kept looking at her, because I thought, maybe since it was new, it might not be open yet, maybe it was a manniquin or something. After about 5 minutes of staring, I decide this is the case, and I totally have to get a picture. THEN SHE MOVED!!!! Upon which I said, "Oh, shit, she's alive!!!!" and promptly left the premises!

I have a few more awesome pictures, but I'll have to upload them later.
Your crazy Sarah

PS Maybe (if I remember) I'll talk about how sweet this walk was, personally. Nice me time.

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