Write term paper. Lose next turn.
No kidding.
Today I discovered that caffiene does not turn you into a miracle worker (*...Tries to avoid Helen Keller/Anne Sullivan jokes...*). In fact, it did nothing but turn me into a hyper (temporarily) and easily distracted mess. And, I ended up writing quite possibly the shortest "5-7 page research paper"--EVER. Seriously, it was literally 2.5 pages long. Thankfully, I have a teacher who is fantastic, and lets us out early. He is amazing because he probably won't even yell at me when it comes time for conferences on Thursday. He is really cool because this paper I turned in doesn't actually get a real grade until time for the actual portfolio to be turned in.
Anyway, I accomplished like half a paragraph last night, but still stayed up til 530 trying to write it. Then I crashed until I got a wonderful few minute phone call at 9. Then, I was like, "Oh, shit!" and I tried to do some work, was suuuper drowsy, and kept falling back to sleep.
Quite the dumb but eye-opening experience. Sarah cannot rely on caffiene alone to help her magically BS a research paper the night before it is due. She wants to be Jasmine for Halloween, not Superwoman--for rather obvious reasons (besides the sweet costumes...haha).
So I learned stuff.
And I am EXTREMELY WARY of that Full Throttle stuff....yuuuuuuuck. *makes terrible face*
Terrible stuff. *shudders*
I have 2 monstrous tests tomorrow, and I am supposed to study tonight with a girl from my Religion class--who brings snacks to our study sessions--it's so cute/sweet. = ) She's an interesting kid. Not a bad one, either.
Ummm....so Chuckie got poison ivy from my car incident...and I have really weird/horribly annoying red bumps on the back on my leg, but I'm nearly positive it's not poison ivy, because it doesn't spread the way poison ivy is supposed to do. I think some damn bugs keep sneaking in my sheets or something equally wretched. Wicked little creatures.
I think I'm going to collapse into nap mode for a bit. I have a feeling tonight will be a struggle to study for both of my damn tests.
However, good news is that I might (I hope, I hope, I hope!) see at least Danielle and maybe Christa this weekend--if I survive that long!
Ahora es tiempo para la siesta mia. Now it is time for my nap.
Hasta luego, amigos mios.
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