- Get at least one, if not two, decent lifeguard jobs in the 'Burg where I can work lots of hours earning lots of dinero without getting too stressed out.
- Spend time with my family (though as I write this, I know that I will feel like they are the last people I want to see after 2 or 3 weeks around them 24/7!).
- See my Danielle & my Christa!!!
- See my other friends that I miss so dearly.
- Spend time with my boyfriend. = )
- Relax a little bit and not stress as much (I've been ok about stress lately...so far anyway).
- Play my clarinet much more and actually improve instead of simply remembering the old stuff.
- Spend more time thinking about God. We don't chat as much as we ought to.
- Hopefully spend a week on staff at Peterkin!!!
- Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive!
- Earn money to drive.
- Find and seal the deal on a sweet apartment for next year.
- I would like to continue "Writer Beware" which totally will have a better name...eventually.
- I would also like to work on my Spanish poetry. Marisol is eager with anticipation, her quill already in hand.
- Read more!
- Volunteer more somewhere.
- Cook more? Eh...maybe.
- Perhaps tan a little, but not with spf6 or anything, and not enough to change my race either! (Two summers ago I was a very golden color, for the only time in my life!)
- I don't understand why half on my bullets are single-spaced...
- Have lots of water fights.
- Look into going over seas next year.
- Find Zumba in the Burg!
I'm excited for this summer.
Oh. How is it I keep forgetting about that effing Math class? I guess getting it out of the way is pretty sweet too.Maybe I'll try to listen to more Italian over the summer too. Who knows.
Alright, enough procrastinating. Time to get to work on my English paper. I believe I am doing something involving the feminist perspective on Harry Potter 7, but I'm not entirely sure what my thesis is yet. That's kinda unfortunate being as rough draft numero uno is due for peer editing tomorrow...and it's supposed to be at least 6 pages, but whatev.
Surruh with an H.
Summer here I come!

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