Monday, December 3, 2007


I finished Jane Eyre today/yesterday (i.e. 3 hours ago).

And I played Free Rice until I met a newly formed goal:

"You have donated 10000 grains of rice.
Wow! Now THAT is impressive!"

Don't even ask about that paper....

  • Slept through Italian today because I'm awesome like that.
  • My printer is being rebellious, and I have not the knowledge to teach it a lesson (my sole idea involves a fork in an electrical outlet or something equally cruel, but, wouldn't you know it: all I have is plastic silverware; not to mention the damage I'd being doing to myself by doing so, either).
  • Laura & I chatted about the dilemmas of men.
  • I'm starving because the Bistro sucks.
  • I spilled hot(or more accurately, mildly warm) chocolate on myself.
  • I have no idea what I'd bring to people if I were Santa, especially in Spanish.
  • Darfur is still happening, and my paper is still...well, not.
  • I have agreed to go to Subway with someone whose company I probably won't enjoy.
    • I do not know if this is the wrong decision; but it has been made.
  • It is cold and snowing, and wintry (and not in the wonderland-like way)
  • I complain too much perhaps.
  • My arms are still throbbing from Thursday's workout. Still.
  • I am not stressed out, and it makes me feel irresponsible to not be.
I'm a weird chick.
That is all.

PPS Jennifer Love Hewitt is not all that bad...I like how she thinks! "To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist," she wrote, "put on a bikini put it on and stay strong."

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