Italian quiz has been made up; and because I'm a Spanish guru (but, according to Hinduism, not really a guru, of course!), I owned it with an 8/10, when I should have probably failed. I got a 100% on my speaking test in the same class; again, thanks to the marvelous language that is espaƱol. I struggled through the listening test, did a mediocre job that might turn out alright.
And I officially have nothing to fret about until my [psycho-crazy-hard, intense] music final on monday. I shall not worry.
The rest of today (after my religion class in a few minutes) is devoted to non-academic endeavors, including any or all of the following: napping--but probably not, relaxing--definitely!, getting a white elephant gift (or something to wrap it in), working out (every time I succeed academically, I do this...I'm such a weird kid), Canterbury parade and/or Christmas party.
I'm so happy. The Italian was a beautiful success, and I don't even know about the portfolio, but it's over, and I am content.
So very content.

This is a sand mandala constructed by monks who follow the Tibetan Buddhism. They have so much patience. They take an insane amount of time constructing it to be just right, then immediately upon finishing it (and perhaps taking a picture), they wipe it away (demonstrating the impermanence of life). They then gather up the sand and distribute it into running water to spread the prayers and good karma throughout the region.
I kind of want to make one (or help someone make one) some day.
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