I could not sleep a wink, so hear I sit, typing away, listening to the rain pouring and the wind howling. My cat is glaring angrily at me from the foot of the bed, reprimanding me for interrupting
her beauty rest. My mom is downstairs, snoring, as she waits the return of my dad from work. He has been slaving away all night, just as he has the past few nights. I'm not the only one missing out on my shut-eye. As I was trying to sleep, the brilliant blue glow from my iMode (my new iPod player) cast eerie shadows about the room. Try as I might, I could not sleep at all.
In other news, my brother is on this really weird kick where he keeps saying I'm a lesbian. Umm, hello? If I were a lesbian, would I go through all this trouble messing around with men?
Hell, no! Maybe he clicked on my blog the day I put up the picture of the two women kissing? Eh. Whatever. I'm pretty sure most of us know I'm not a lesbian, not that I have any problems with people who are--unless they're Tila Tequila--and she's somethin' else altogether.
My grandmother from my mom's side succeeded in making contact with me, totally throwing me a curveball. I hate that my awesome brother who thinks I'm a lesbian handed me the phone without telling me who the devil was on the other end! oy. So, we don't keep in contact with mom's side of the family for a cornucopia of reasons (yay for thanksgiving!). Many just involving things I have nothing to do with. My mom has never said that we aren't allowed to talked to her mom or anything of the sort. However, she never did much to encourage it either. She refuses to pick up the phone when her mom is calling. Recently mom sent me an email telling me that my grandmother (we call(ed) her Grammy) has been calling the
church for my school address...several times. O.O Oookay, so she asked if I wanted them to give her the address, but I just didn't bother responding to the email, because honestly, I really had no idea what to tell her. Well, I'll be darned if Chuckie didn't hand me the phone with Grammy on the other end. She greeted me (after possibly 10 years of not seeing me, or at least a good 6-8), "Hi, Sweetie!"
Umm? How was I supposed to guess from that? Well, I'm amazing, that's how, and I did. Ha. So, she went on about how she calls my house all the time but mom never answers, how she misses me, she gets my address, I get hers, and she tells me about all the attempts she's made to contact me and how my mom keeps getting in the way of it all. And, she says, "Sarah, will you tell you mother I called? Tell her I want to talk to her, I really do...." etc.
What the
Hell am I supposed to do about all this?!?!?!
I actually almost started crying--she made me feel guilty! (apparently, she's done that to my mom for most of the entirety of my mom's life).
I feel torn. On one hand, I have nothing against her except all the crap she has put my mom through and the way her voice is when she says, "Sarah
Anne!!!" *shudder* I can't stand my middle name because of her! On the other hand, she does have a tendency to make my mom miserable.
My problem lies here: What would God want me to do about it? I didn't even tell my mom that I talked to her yesterday. (yet) Chuckie told me not to tell her because it would just make her upset, but I don't think I should
hide it from her either. (And, really, it's not like mom doesn't know that Grammy calls, Caller ID tells all). Is she really lonely? Does she
really want to talk to us, or does she just want to get at mom/spy on her? Is ignoring a bad thing to do to people? Particularly flesh&blood?
I'm musing over it. Here's what I'm thinking so far: As long as she doesn't pressure me to get mom involved, I'll write/call her once in a while. No harm in it, right? (There isn't, right?) However, it's mom's decision to not get involved with Grammy, not mine. I can't (well, I probably could) but I won't do anything to persuade her otherwise. Mom is the one who knows the whole story, and it's her choice.
My worry is about mom here. She didn't keep much contact with her stepdad, either, and when he died, she had a lot of unresolved issues that really upset her a lot. Well, somethin' tells me that will be even worse when Grammy passes on. My mom seems happy now, I just hope she's okay with everything later on.
*sigh* family.
Yesterday 8 members of the [Syrian] Corra clan dined at the Lebanese restaurant. It was pretty sweet. I knew more of the stuff on the menu before ordering it this time! haha. Plus, there was.....*drum roll*....baklava! <3
Today we go to Grandma's house (dad's side, of course) for Thanksgiving lunch, and have a late dinner here at home. Ah, the chaos that shall ensue!
And I haven't slept at all. I'll survive!
Tomorrow might be interesting. We'll just see. = )