I feel like I'm failing at everything right now, but I know ways to not fail again. It's just fixing my mistakes for right now I can't figure out. I bet this seems as vague as it sounds, hmm. I'll try to elaborate without going too crazy on a tangent.
One example is grades, school work, studying, etc--academics. I know ways to improve my studying for next time...I just am having issues figuring out how to scrape by this semester.
There's another dilemma, however, I don't feel like going into it right now.
I went to dinner last night and The Beast (oh, yes, the one who flew over the log with me) decided it didn't love me anymore, and it wouldn't start (in Marietta, no less, after dark!). damn--darn--thing. (I'm trying to go back to where I never used curse words. I liked that Sarah a lot better than I like the Sarah who started using them).
Anyway, the beast & I reconciled today, it started when I turned the key, so I gave it gas as a nice, pricey reward.
ha. I'm so awesomely lame sometimes.
So, plans for next semester and/or future in general (woah, Sarah's planning ahead--watch out everybody!):
- not hang out with people who intentionally hurt me; no exceptions.
- hang out with people who really love me unconditionally, not only that, but they bring out the very best in me, and they expect me to do my best.
- study very hard, type up notes (reinforcement), stay organized, use a day planner(we'll see whether that one works out!), write all major assignments & tests on my big calendar
- find people in large classes to hold me accountable for being in class, sit up front in large lectures in order to feel as if I need to be there
- know that I need to be there--required or not
- go to Spanish and or Italian tables in the evenings
- not eat at BK every single day--and/or try to find the healthiest things on the menu--and eat them.
- find things worth eating at the Bistro.
- go to the rec at least once a week.
- not sit around in my room and wallow in my own self-pity (I like this one! = P )
- find someone I know in a Zumba class, suck it up & give it a shot
- sleep at somewhat logical times
- turn more assignments in early (I've actually been good about that lately!)
- continue attending Canterbury club either tuesdays and/or wednesdays, continue to participate in their activities
- keep my floor cleaner-->better organized feeling
- try to volunteer in the church soup kitchen
- keep in touch with my non-WVU friends better
Now, my dear readers, I am not an unrealistic person, at least not when it comes to the task before me. I do understand that accomplishing everything on the above list would be a near-impossible feat. However, I also know that there are simply some things on there that I can't afford to not do. Those are my priorities, everything else would just be healthy and good things to do in order to have a better semester.
I need to have a good semester. I need to be me again.
I don't think I've been me in a long time. I kinda miss it a lot.
he dicho.

Dysfunction: The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you.
What can I say; it spoke to me.

Most of what this one says isn't that important, but I'll tell you anyway.
Apathy: If we don't take care of the customer, maybe they'll stop bugging us.

Agony: Not all pain is gain.
That one is a little revolting, but, uh, the fight thing appealed to me at the moment.
Battling my own demons and those of others as well.

I am an icicle, freezing(!!), clinging to whatever I can grasp, and meltingevery time the sun starts to shine. Emo kid I am.
One more:

A small glimpse of hope.
All I need.
1 comment:
I totally understand how you feel, at least about the school things. Your resolutions for next semester sound lot like mine.
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