The women on my dad's side of the family, at least my aunts (aka his sisters, right?) and a few of my older cousins, have a pretty lousy record of landing kind of sucky men. It's kind of a shame, really. Granted, most of my aunts are pretty crazy, but still...I'm positive that my grandfather was a wonderful man, and he was good to my grandmother (vice versa), so I don't really know why it is that most of their children ended up with not so great marriages. Ha. They're Catholic, too (remember, dear readers, Catholics frown on divorces; they mate for life (like swans!) haha.). It's interesting because out of all 10 kids, 3 (maybe 4) of the 10 ended up having divorces, and one did not get married (which is not necessarily a sing that she has trouble with men, could be a choice, no idea--plus, she works in the CIA, so obviously it would totally be just like "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" One of my aunts in particular has had 2 (at least, maybe 3?) divorces, her daughter has yet to have much better luck with men, 'though she's never been married either. And one of my other cousins married another loser (do they seek us Corra-girls out; or is it terrible judge of character? hmm). After a whole lot of chaos (of course) they got divorced and he left her with her baby--who has lots of health problems.
It just kind of got me thinking about things. the cousins always bring their significant others(of the moment?) to holiday meals/gatherings. We meet them, they experience their share of the Corra chaos, they leave, and sometimes cousins return with same people, but usually they don't. Interesting.
I failed to make my point yet. how frustrating! all that, and no point! Ok. Point: I recognize that, for whatever reason, judgment of men and/or commitment to said men is not the forte of the Corra girls. Although, I will mention that with most of these men, it is best that my female relatives got away from them. So, these are things I have noticed. Thus far, I have not been much more astute than my relatives in regard to the male species. This is not saying that all the guys I dated were bad--most weren't as bad as some that my aunts have gotten involved with--it's just an interesting coincidence, is it not? At any rate, I do hope to learn from my mistakes (I'm sure I already have) and theirs as well, and do my best to not have to marry a variety of men before finding one who is right for me. heh. definitely hoping to avoid that.
I'm also hoping to just get better at all this relationship nonsense some day. Oh, and also find a healthy but unobtrusive way to teach my children about relationships--at least that which you can teach and does not come from experience. I keep thinking that surely not all these things must be learned the "hard way."
My trusty readers (<--weirdo 102 teacher says 19th century writers did this & no one else does. does that mean I'm weird? = ( heh), I believe it is time for more eating, scheming, and hopefully sleeping (oh, how I miss thee!) to ensue.
I will leave you with some pictures of my favorite fictional couples, sappy romantic I am. = )

Jane and Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice

Luke & Lorelai--Gilmore Girls

Mr & Mrs Smith.
Yes, I know. You'd think this is the most dysfunctional of the 3, and perhaps it is, but in all three relationships (fictional as they were) there were problems and issues to overcome. mmm.
I will be pondering this over dinner!
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