First, you aren't who you think you are. Yup, that's right. According to Buddhism, I am not the Sarah with a H that I claim to be! O.O There is no self-identity because no part of you is unchanging and constant. You're like a kaleidoscope: You're made up of the same pieces, but they continue to move and be reshaped to form a completely different person.
Also, Nirvana is the only permanently reality of the cosmos. The state of tranquility and peace that is so incredibly difficult to achieve is the only permanent reality of the cosmos? Complex enough for you? It's all about perspective, whereas the Christian version of Heaven is more perceived as a place (of non-suffering) for the most part. It is also the freedom from personal attachment to things and people.
Our professor told us a story about a grieving grandmother who visited Buddha. She was mourning the loss of her grandson. Buddha asked her if she would like all the children in the village to be her grandchildren, and she replied, "Of course!"
Then Buddha asked her what would happen if she felt the same amount of pain she felt at that moment for one child every time one of the village children died.
Then she had the epiphany the Buddha wanted her to have: becoming attached (desire) causes pain & suffering.
No desire = no suffering.
It's interesting to muse over, but the thing is, I'm still of the opinion that it is better to have loved and lost than to not loved at all, and I always will be. Heartbreak is a horrible pain to undergo, but you do survive it (unless you're a sweet little old man/woman who lost the love of 80 + years or something, in which case dying of a broken heart is more reasonable). Plus, in Christianity, we recognize death as a transition into life with God, so it's a different thing entirely. "They've gone to a better place" and "They're not suffering any more" are our consolations.
I love learning about all this stuff.

You may be the first person I've ever heard call Buddhism complex. That isn't bad....I totally understand what you mean, in fact. I've just never heard it put in such terms.
Now that the month of November is nearing its end, you might be surprised to realize how much you've written this month. Busy much?
I hope your December is more relaxed, because Christmas is too much of a bitch to confront without other stresses bothering you.
"smfawatz" is the random jumble of letters they wanted me to type to send this.
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