- I'm thankful for my wonderful family and how often I get to see them.
- And for my wonderful friends, who I see far less often, but appreciate just as much.
- I'm thankful for second chances, and the lifetime of second chances that God gives us.
- I'm thankful for a bed, a comfy bed, chilly or not.
- I am thankful for plentiful food.
- I'm thankful for a few hours of uninterrupted time to talk to a friend I missed more than I realized. = )
- I'm thankful for Peterkin and reconciliation.
- For thoughts that put me in a better place.
- For getting things square with God--finally.
- I'm thankful that God refuses to let me get by with anything ("Now, Sarah, you know that's not the whole truth. 'Fess up, NOW!")
- I'm thankful for life.
- For places I can worship peacefully and proudly.
- For a room to myself (mostly).
- For my cat, who is crazy-loyal to me, even when I abandon her for Mo-town. I do love her dearly.
- I'm thankful for a family who loves me, and who is eager and happy to see me home.
- I am thankful for a mom I can call at any hour, who will listen to me balling my eyes out.
- I am thankful that no matter what, everything will be okay, eventually.
I've decided that I have to figure out what is going on with me before subject anyone else to deal with me. Heh. At least for more than a short period of time. Part of me wishes I could escape, run away, to somewhere warm and exotic, where no one knows me, where no one can say "effed up big time" in their language, so no one ever has to find out how bad I've messed up. Somewhere that no one will even ask.
However, being realistic and intelligent, but poor more than anything, I know that this cannot happen. Plus, I know that really, if I wanted something pure, true, and real, everyone would have to know how bad I screwed up. Or at least the people that I wanted to be real with.
Such ponderings.
I really am dreading beefing up that damn Darfur paper this week. I have to do it soon, though.
Got a tolerable grade on the Hinduism test. Shame I won't get better than an 85% in that class, no matter how well I do on the next test.
Oh, well.
Time to do something productive I s'pose.
I like a picture a post thing that Ive begun.

I love Google.
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