Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I must admit I'm a little distraught at the moment. I feel like my life has been rather disrupted lately.
Disrupted, discourse, dismay, disoriented, disjointed, dispute, discombobulated.
My love life, my "social life(ha! as if I have one!)," my peterkin life, and my spiritual life.
Hopefully, stuff is finally mostly fixed in the first one,the second--as walways--work-in-progress, 3rd--getting there?--4th...we'll see.

I'm tired, but I really hope that everyone sucks it up & stops whining about wanting to be home. We all want to be home, okay? You're not the only one. You suffered this long, surely you can handle one more week.
I have learned so much and grown so much this summer. I just want everyone else to be patient enough and courteous enough to let us end it in a perfect way.

Then they can do whatever they want when they get home and never see me again.
It's totally cool...

Sorry, I really do need sleep...

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