Saturday, October 13, 2007

goals and stuff.

So in this one time, I saw this movie that had a girl who wanted to be a traveling doctor. She had a map of the world on her wall and had little pins in the countries where she had traveled, and where she wanted to travel.
After I first travel, and return (alive hopefully, hahaha), I want to do that. I want to visit as many countries as I can before I die, and I want to meet people in all of them, and help someone in all of them, and at least learn a few words in their language.
I want to be able to identify the flags of all the different countries instantly.
I want to somehow be able to afford to do all these things I want to do in countries I want to do them.
I have always imagined having a family someday, but how would they feel about my traveling constantly?
Apparently I almost had to do the [not] Heimlich maneuver on Molly's boy.

Oh, dearie. I had quite a shopping adventure today. It was fun, I guess, after waiting all day for the bus. However, I believe I made a new friend in the process, so that's cool.

Me sittin' at home on a Saturday night.
Surprise, surprise.

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